Our online Computer Technician training is reverse engineered from the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) certification—the most prestigious recognition of real-world expertise you can get as a new computer technician.
Our program is online by design so you can build new skills and knowledge around your schedule. If you’re looking for an industry-aligned career retraining or upskilling option and wondering how to become a computer technician, CareerStep can help.
Program Timeline
With 4 months of program access, you can study wherever and whenever you'd like. Training is online, but you're never alone - you can reach out for help at any time through the phone, online chat, or email.
Best of all, you can begin your training as early as today.
Four months of program access
Same day career training access
Study Format
Our computer technician course is designed to be doable. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar schools, our have-it-your-way training is always on … because it’s online. 24/7 web access gives you the freedom to study however, whenever, and wherever you want. Got a laptop? You’re ready to rock!
Learn from home (or anywhere)
Study online (anytime)
Learning online doesn’t mean learning alone, because we’re with you every step of the way. Real people—dedicated trainers, a technical support team, and career advisors—are all committed to your success, from pre sign up to post completion.
One-on-one support
Phone, live chat, and email
Computer Technician Program Modules
Our online computer technician training is divided into modules that cover everything from identifying computer parts to recognizing and removing malicious software. Read the module descriptions below to see exactly what you’ll learn.
Program Orientation
- Identify the elements, expectations, and requirements of the program.
- Navigate the program using the pages, menus, and buttons provided.
- Use the program tools, including the study planner, gradebook, and completion report.
- See how to contact/communicate with CareerStep via phone, email, forums, chat rooms, and social media.
- Identify and use program-specific resources.
A+ Core 1
- Disassemble and reassemble a desktop computer safely
- Disassemble and reassemble a laptop computer safely
- Describe and contrast various types and features of motherboards
- Configure a motherboard using BIOS/UEFI firmware
- Maintain a motherboard by updating drivers and firmware, using jumpers to clear BIOS/UEFI settings, and replacing the CMOS battery
- Select, install, and support a hard drive
- Explain the TCP/IP protocols and standards Windows uses for networking
- Identify, compare, and contrast hardware used to build local networks
- Troubleshoot network connectivity problems caused by firmware, operating systems, and applications
- Identify and use significant features of Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, and Chrome OS mobile operating systems
- Support cloud computing services on a network
- Install and share printers and manage printer features, add-on devices, and the printer queue
A+ Core 2
- Plan a Windows installation.
- Configure Windows settings after the installation.
- Describe special concerns when installing Windows in a large enterprise.
- Use Windows tools, including Disk Management, to manage hard drives.
- Explain how to secure resources on a network via physical and logical access. control, user authentication, and user education.
- Recognize malicious software and remove it to protect personal computers.
- Use and support macOS for Apple computers.
- Use and support Linux distributions with graphical and command-line interfaces.
Program Completion: Computer Technician A+
- Prepare to take the next steps after program completion
Computer Technician Certifications
CareerStep's online Computer Technician training covers the knowledge and skills you need to successfully sit for industry-recognized certification. We want to support our learners in securing the certification that fits based upon your career goals and current job requirements. Your training includes two exam vouchers for the CompTIA A+ certifications - a significant value add of several hundred dollars.

CompTIA A+ Certification
The CompTIA A+ performance-based exams certify foundational IT skills across a variety of devices and operating systems.
Ready to Get Started?
Call (800) 411-7073
to speak with a career advisor