Through CareerStep’s NAVTA-approved Veterinary Assistant Training, you can take the next steps toward a rewarding career – on your schedule! Developed by industry professionals with years of real-world experience, your vet assistant training is designed to help you build the skills that can be vital to on-the-job success. With engaging course materials, videos, learning games, and practical exercises, you’ll gain the knowledge to confidently work in a busy veterinary clinic.
Program Timeline
So how long does it take to become a veterinary assistant? That depends on you. Our program is completely self-paced, so you have the flexibility to study as much or as little as your schedule allows—with up to 8 months of access to complete your program. Best of all, you don’t have to wait. You can begin today. As soon as your payment is processed, we’ll email your login and password so you can start training immediately.
8 months full access
Study Format
With CareerStep, your life comes first. Online courses mean 24/7 access, giving you the freedom to study whenever, wherever, and however you want. Got a laptop? Then you’re ready to go!
Learn from home (or anywhere)
Train online (anytime)
Don’t think of our veterinary assistant program as e-learning. Think of it as we-learning, because we’re with you every step of the way. Real people—from dedicated trainers and tutors to career advisors and a tech support team—all committed to your success from sign up to post completion.
One-on-one support
Phone, live chat, and email
Veterinary Assistant Program Outline
We believe information is absorbed and retained by taking it one step at a time. That’s why our veterinary assistant program is designed to be self-paced, allowing you to progress through subjects at the speed that works best for you.
Program Orientation
- Initiate the Vet Assistant Program.
Veterinary Office Procedures and Medical Record Keeping
- Describe the roles and duties of the members of the veterinary health care team.
- Describe methods to effectively greet clients in person and over the phone.
- Be able to clarify admitting and discharge instructions.
- Become familiar with ethical issues, laws, and regulations in veterinary medicine.
- Properly identify and maintain medical record documentation and patient logs including records for controlled substances.
- Be able to recognize and translate common medical word parts.
- Be able to obtain a patient history.
- Describe methods of disinfecting and sterilizing.
- Be able to classify pieces of information as subjective, objective, assessments, or plans.
- Properly identify and maintain medical record documentation and patient logs including records for controlled substances.
- Understand how to correctly admit and discharge patients.
- Describe the function of OSHA and how it impacts the veterinary team.
Digital Technology
- Have a basic understanding of the internet and evaluated hardware
- Understand and be able to use various programs and apps
- Be able to explain privacy and digital security in digital technology
- Describe the fundamentals of input and output
- Have an understanding of network devices
- Use technology to help you find a career
Microsoft Office 2019: Foundations Course
- Successfully follow the lesson structure and download available study tools.
- Navigate the Microsoft Office training module(s) using the buttons and icons provided.
Animal Behavior and Restraint
- Formulate an understanding of the human-animal bond.
- Be able to recognize positive and negative body language in dogs and cats.
- Understand basic safety and training methods used when handling animals.
- Learn how to safely applying restraint aids.
- Learn multiple methods of animal handling.
- Be able to identify dog and cat breeds.
Animal Anatomy and Disease
- Understand and describe common anatomical terms.
- Understand the basic structure and function of each organ system.
- Understand the basic pathophysiology behind common diseases.
- Be able to perform a TPR (Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration) on a patient.
- Be able to identify basic anatomical structures.
Introduction to Veterinary Pharmacology
- Explain how to interpret a prescription.
- Explain how to read labels correctly.
- Explain how to properly label a dispensing container.
- Calculate the proper quantity of medication to dispense.
- Demonstrate how to properly use a pill counting tray to count medications.
- Explain how to process and log controlled substances according to Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulations.
- Demonstrate how to administer oral medications to a patient.
- Demonstrate how to administer aural medications to a patient.
- Demonstrate how to administer topical medications to a patient.
- Demonstrate how to administer ophthalmic medications to a patient.
- Explain how to properly store medications in the pharmacy according to manufacturer labels.
- Discuss the importance of accuracy with pharmacy skills.
Introduction to Animal Nursing
- Understand the principles of preventing disease through nutrition, husbandry and general care, preventative medications, preventative surgeries, and vaccinations.
- Understand the fundamentals of animal nutrition and considerations for juvenile, adult, senior, and geriatric animals.
- Understand the importance of routine animal care procedures.
- Understand how and why preventative medications are used.
- Understand how diseases are controlled with the proper use of vaccinations.
Externship Readiness Skills
- Explore CareerStep Community career resources.
- Develop effective time management skills.
- Enhance your creative and critical thinking.
- Integrate critical and creative thinking skills into your life.
- Learn physical and emotional coping techniques to deal with stress.
- Explore essential ingredients of the communication process.
- Acquire methods to maximize verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.
- Relate the importance of professional image to career success.
- Learn strategies to write a powerful resume.
- Identify key elements of successful interviews.
- Relate the importance of good study habits to your personal success.
- Identify traits related to self-motivation and self-esteem.
- Incorporate a positive and professional attitude in dealing with others.
- Understand that failures are important learning tools.
Introduction to Veterinary Surgical Assisting
- Describe how to maintain asepsis during surgical procedures.
- Explain how to maintain and record in a surgical logbook.
- State the importance of a sterile surgical suite.
- Explain how to assist with anesthesia preparations and inductions.
- Demonstrate how to properly restrain the patient for intubation.
- Demonstrate how to properly clip and prepare the patient for surgery.
- Demonstrate how to properly handle and open sterile surgical packs.
- Demonstrate how to properly prepare surgical drapes, gowns, instrument packs, and towel packs for surgical procedures.
- Demonstrate how to properly use an autoclave for sterilization procedures.
- Describe how to properly assist the surgeon in gowning.
- Explain how to properly position the patient for surgery.
- Describe how to place and maintain patient monitors.
- Explain the planes of anesthesia.
- Discuss how to properly monitor a patient during anesthesia and postoperative recovery.
- Explain how to set up, maintain, and disconnect the anesthesia machine.
- Describe the difference between rebreathing and non rebreathing anesthesia systems.
- Discuss how to properly refill the vaporizer and soda lime components of the anesthesia machine.
- Identify components on the anesthesia machine.
- Explain how to select appropriate-sized rebreathing bags for the patient.
- Explain how to properly test the functions of the anesthesia machine.
- Explain how to make adjustments to the anesthetic flow of gases during induction, maintenance, and recovery phases.
- Describe the anesthesia and surgical report.
- Explain how to properly glove and gown for surgical assisting.
- Discuss how to properly extubate a patient during recovery.
- Explain how to review the postoperative care of a patient.
- Explain how to complete a suture removal appointment.
- Explain how to clean and maintain the surgical suite.
Grief, Pet Loss, and Euthanasia
- Discuss euthanasia practices & the reality of economic euthanasia.
- Identify the categories and emotions of grief.
- Differentiate between the quality and quantity of life.
- Describe the differences between Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion.
- Discuss the various types of memorialization options available to grieving pet owners.
- Discuss cremation, burial, and preservation technique options to pet owners.
- List regional pet loss resources available.
Veterinary Radiology
- Explain radiation safety practices within the veterinary facility.
- Explain how to maintain a radiology log of radiographs taken within the facility.
- Describe directional terms and abbreviations pertaining to radiology.
- Discuss proper animal restraint and placement during radiographic procedures.
- Demonstrate how to use a caliper to measure the thickness of a body part in centimeters.
- Explain how to properly use a technique chart.
- Explain how to determine proper settings on an X-ray machine.
- Explain how to use identification markers for X-ray films.
- Explain how to properly develop X-ray films using a hand developing tank.
- Explain how to properly develop X-ray films using an automatic developer.
- Demonstrate how to properly load and unload film from a cassette.
- Demonstrate how to properly clean a film cassette.
- Explain how to properly file patient films.
- Explain how to properly clean and maintain the veterinary darkroom.
- Explain the importance of ultrasound and endoscopy equipment.
Veterinary Laboratory Procedures
- Identify common laboratory equipment used in a veterinary facility.
- Explain proper collection of a fecal sample.
- Demonstrate how to properly conduct a gross fecal examination.
- Demonstrate how to properly prepare a fecal smear.
- Demonstrate how to properly set up a fecal floatation.
- Explain how to properly prepare a blood sample.
- Demonstrate how to properly prepare a usable blood smear.
- Demonstrate how to properly stain a blood smear using Wright’s stain.
- Explain how to properly complete a CBC.
- Demonstrate how to properly complete a blood chemistry sample using in-house analyzers.
- Demonstrate how to properly determine a plasma protein or total protein sample using a refractometer.
- Explain how to properly use assorted serologic testing kits.
- Demonstrate how to properly collect a voided urine sample.
- Explain how to properly conduct a gross urine examination.
- Demonstrate how to properly determine urine specific gravity.
- Demonstrate how to properly understand and conduct urine chemistries using test strips.
- Demonstrate how to properly prepare urine sediment for microscopic examination.
- Demonstrate how to properly collect a sample for culture and sensitivity.
- Demonstrate how to properly prepare a Gram stain smear.
- Demonstrate how to properly set up equipment and materials for a veterinary necropsy.
Introduction to Large & Exotic Animal Assisting
- Define veterinary terminology used in large animal as well as exotic animal medicine.
- Describe the biology of the different species of large animal and exotic species covered in this course.
- Identify different breeds of large and exotics species and how to select a specific breed of animal.
- Recognize normal and abnormal behaviors of the large animal and exotic animal species.
- Describe the housing, equipment and nutritional needs of large and exotic animals.
- Discuss the use of restraint and restraint aids used for large and exotic animals.
- Discuss the health maintenance needs and common diseases of the large animal and exotic animal species.
Veterinary Emergency Care and Triage
- Demonstrate basic understanding for performing triage.
- Recognize variations in critical status.
- Discuss familiar questions to ask during phone triage.
- Differentiate imminent problems and classify patients accordingly.
- Develop comfort in communicating with emotional pet owners.
- Describe basic wound care and client education.
- Discuss bandage care and client education.
- Examine common critical situations and the role of the Veterinary Assistant during triage, treatment, monitoring, and client education.
Final Exam Preparation
- Identify the steps needed to take to be eligible for and effectively prepare for and access the final exam.
- Identify the format, restrictions, and policies of final exams, including scoring, retakes, allowed resources, and time limits.
Applying For Your Required Externship*
- Create your profile in the Learner Placement Portal.
- Review the externship preparation resources.
- Explore CareerStep Community career resources to help in your search for an externship.
- Understand the benefits of an externship.
- Access externship participation eligibility requirements.
- Understand the externship application process.
Clinical Externship*
- Earn hours of experience for your certification.
Program Completion: Veterinary Assistant
- Complete all externship paperwork, the externship project, and prepare to take your AVA exam.
Vet Assistant Certifications
CareerStep’s online Veterinary Assistant training covers the knowledge and skills you need to successfully sit for industry-recognized certification. We want to support our learners in securing the certification that fits based upon your career goals and current job requirements. Your training includes an exam voucher for AVA certification – a significant value add of several hundred dollars.

Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA)
Offered through the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), the Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA) exam is one of the most recognized certifications for veterinary assistants, measuring your competency in a number of job-relevant skills.
Ready to Get Started?
Call (800) 411-7073
to speak with a career advisor